Since its inception on 25 May 2013 during Nanyang Schools Alumni Association (NSAA)’s Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM), the Youth Alumni Membership of Nanyang Schools Alumni Association (NSAA) will serve as a close link between the alumni association and our alma mater.

One of the main objectives of the Youth Membership is to provide a platform for young graduates of Nanyang Girls’ High School (NYGH), Nanyang Primary School (NYPS) and Nanyang Kindergarten (NYK) to continue to foster close ties with the Nanyang Family of Schools.

Youth Alumni members are strongly encouraged to return to the Nanyang Family of Schools to participate actively in the schools’ activities as well as help in the schools’ development.

There will be ample opportunities for you to participate in school events, reminisce with your ex-teachers and stay connected with your ex-classmates and to share your experiences with the juniors through some of these activities. In essence, you will be able to maintain close connections with Nanyang. You can make a difference.

As a Youth Alumni member, you can stay connected with the schools’ development in the following ways:
  • You can access NSAA’s official website to get the latest news and development,
  • You can get updated on events and activities organized by NSAA by receiving regular eNotices,
  • You can get connected via social media platforms like Facebook, and
  • You may also receive occasional updates via postal mailings whenever necessary.

Youth Alumni Membership

If you have not signed up to become our Youth Alumni member, you may click here to complete the online registration.

You are eligible to apply to become a Youth Member of NSAA as long as you are a former student of any of the Nanyang Family of Schools including Nanyang Girls’ High School (NYGH); Nanyang Primary School (NYPS) and Nanyang Kindergarten (NYK), and are below the age of 25. Their membership will terminate on 31 December in the year they attain the age of 25 or when they become a life member. Youth members may at any time convert their membership after the age of 21 to that of life membership by paying the entrance and life subscription fees.

We look forward to welcoming you on board as a Youth Member to stay connected with Nanyang.